After purging 3 shopping bags of my own clothes in the past two weeks, my husband sat me down and asked me to do something for him. "I want you to go through my t-shirts and put aside anything you don't see me wear and then I'll go through them." I took it a step further and asked him to NOT go through the shirts I take out, and instead I would hide them in the back of the closet and see if he would even know or remember which t-shirts were missing after a few weeks. I reduced his t-shirt stock from 24 to 17. The 7 shirts have now been in hiding for over a week. The remaining 17 are a mix of casual and polo shirts that he wears on a daily basis, a few of them are work-specific that he should keep. The deal is that if he can't even remember what shirts are in hiding, he will consider letting them go to charity.
My own summer wardrobe has been reducing nicely. I currently have a total of 16 tops, 5 pairs of shorts, and 7 dresses. This has been a year long process, and I'm very happy with the results so far. My winter wardrobe is already stateside from my trip in May, so this will definitely make moving next month all the easier and hopefully once I go through another Illinois winter I'll have a better idea of how to reduce my wardrobe even farther. I have been culling my shoes as well, but I will leave that journey for a future post as well as the results of the T-Shirt experiment, so stay tuned!
Has anyone else been working on reducing their wardrobes? How is it going for you? Please share in the comments and get a good discussion going!
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